Open Door Mission
Through the month of January we collected Hats, Socks and Gloves that were donated to the Open Door Mission in Glens falls
January 2025
Adopt a Family
Once again we were able to supply gifts for a family. Our members stepped up and donated gifts to fulfill a families wish list.
December 2024
FBLA Snowman
We are blessed to once again be able to participate in the Snowman fundraiser to support the Lake George Highschool FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)
December 2024
Salvation Army
Fun times on a chilly but sunny Saturday ringing the bell in front of Price Chopper in Lake George
December 2024
Lake George Food Pantry
20% of the proceeds from our Basket Social went to the Town of Lake George Food Pantry.
November 2024
Shoe Boxes
Our members filled 46 shoe boxes for Samaritan Purse Operation Christmas Child
Thanksgiving Food Collection
Food and gift cards were collected and donated to The Town of Lake George Food Pantry which benefitted several Lake George families.
November 2024
Basket Social
Our biggest annual fundraiser was again a big success. I huge thank you goes out the Courtyard By Marriott for providing the space and the food. Thank you to all the local businesses for the donations that raised the funds that will go back into the community. 20% of the proceeds went directly to the Lake George Food Pantry. We also had a 50/50 to benefit a cancer patient from Hudson Fall. God’s presence was felt during the event as we had several Amen’s by the crowd.
November 2024
Trunk or Treat
Much fun was had at our annual Trunk or Treat event. Lot of treats were handed out and many smiles were seen.
October 2024
Hurricane Helene Relief
The GMC reached out to get financial support for those suffering after hurricane Helene (Global Methodist Church ) . Lake George CMC responded with $1000 donation. Our prayers continue to go out to all who have been impacted.
October 2024
Stolen Bike Replaced
Facebook Post -Just want to say Thank You to the Jerk who stole my Autistic Son’s Trex Bike from our yard. My son was so proud of that bike. He saved his money and bought it himself.
September 2024
During the month of August Lake George CMC collected school supplies to support Lake George Schools. We also took up a monetary collection the last Sunday. The donations were given to the school the week before school startred
August 2024
During the month of July Lake George CMC provided information about diabetes and the American Diabetes Foundation. Informational videos were presented on each Sunday. Proceeds from a series of garage sales and our final offering were donated.
July 2024
At Lake George CMC we believe strongly in supporting and encouraging the youth at LG High School
Pastor Tom presented scholarship awards to four LG HS Seniors. The selections were based on submissions from each student about their involvement in giving back to the Lake George Community
June 2024
We were blessed to have the opportunity to recognize the First Responders of Lake George. During the this special Sunday Service we presented all those in attendance with a gift certificate to The Barnsider restaurant
May 2024
Again this year we collected non-perishable food and some non-food items needed for the food pantry at Caldwell Presbyterian Church
March 2024
Open Door Mission in Glens Falls continues to give to those in need. Our support of their mission is always on out hearts. This year during our Hats, Gloves and Socks drive we included an opportunity for monetary donations as well.
January 2024
Supporting the Future Business Leaders of America. There members of FBLA from lake George High School joined our service and gave us an overview of their organization. Enabling the next generation continues to be a big part of our giving back efforts.
February 2024
We have provided support for this amazing gift to families from the beginning and God willing, will do so for years to come. About Krantz Cottage
November 2023
Each year Lake George High School FBLA members make Snowmen to be display in front of local businesses. This is their biggest fundraiser each year. This is our first year participating and we love our Snowman.
November 2023
We were blessed again this year to sponsor a camper to attend a week a Sky Farm camp in Warrensburg NY. Camp gives children a solid foundation that lasts a lifetime, and equips youth for success at school, at home, at church, and in the world by building them up and giving them the gifts of confidence, faith in God, and a healthy self-esteem. Campers just don’t hear about something, they do it!
July 2023
Supporting the Lake George School is becoming a bigger part of our ministry outreach. While there are many wealthy people here in the summer, there are many year round residents who could use a hand up. The year we began what we hope will continue to be a regular and growing contribution.
September 2023
We made July National Kidney Foundation month. Each Sunday we provided information and dedicated the offering on the last Sunday to the NKF. God blessed is mightily.
July 2023
A dotation of $500 was made to Sacred Heart Catholic church to support their H.A.R.K program.
The needs of our children vary from food, to hygiene items, even school supplies. HARK’s outreach program donates to the Open Door ministry, the Wait House and Lake George School District.
July 2023
During the Season of Lent we were tasked with making sacrifices or giving something up for a day. During the 40 day season of lent we had several opportunities to give to those in need. We chose Open Door Mission in Glens Falls to receive the funds received. It is truly a blessing to share some of what God gives us with others
April 2023
During the month of March our Congregation collected food items. There food was donated to the food pantry located at the Lake George Caldwell Presbyterian Church. It is a blessing to continue to share the blessing God pours upon Lake George UMC
March 2023
Lake George Methodist Church honored our First Responders with a recognition Sunday Service. We presented each member present with a gift card from Adirondack Brewery. The total given back to the community to support our First Responders was $700.
March 2023
Three students from
Lake George High School representing Future Business Leaders of America joined us and gave and gave a brief overview of their program. We provided them with a check for $500 to help with expenses not covered by the school. We are blessed to be able to give back to our future
February 2023
God blessed us with the resources to be able to fill 15 cleaning buckets that were donated to UMCOR to be used for disaster relief efforts.
A special Thank You goes
out to Rock Hill Bakehouse who provided the 15 buckets and lids we needed to put all the supplies in.
February 2023